Do you ever wish for something more?

More than this stagnation we find ourselves in?

It's 9pm and you're out with friends, you try not to think of all the strangers around you, their leering eyes fueling your paranoia, you keep enjoying the night for as long as you can until it happens. You knew it would from the moment you stepped out of your front door, some motherfucker starting something unnecessary, You become acutely aware of your body, mostly its weakness, you want to curl up and hide away from the world but thats not an option right now.

You taste blood, how long have you been biting your lip? Too long apparently, you wait for your bus, running simulations in your head of what could have happened, what should have happened and what the future holds on the way home.

This creates oceans in your mind, clear water showing you every reality, you almost feel as though you can reach in and take what parts of yourself you need to feel whole.

You reach into the infinite and another reaches back, pale and bloody she whispers to you, The vampire grants you the thirst for something more and the strength to get it, you already know the cost of blood, you've known all your life. If the world isn't made for you and you aren't reaching heaven then you will have to carve a place for yourself, somewhere in the merging of the real and unreal.

This is why you wish yourself a machine, a vampire, something stronger that does not fear, something with clear motive and the will to carry it out.

Your partner squeezes your arm, you were staring into space and tensing up again, how long have you been on this bus? is this your stop?

A tower extends from the horizon, it attempts to contain all the parts of you, they jut out and pierce the skies, refracting and causing the glow of every reality to tint the surrounding area in an etherial light, you see the broken mirror of self and you use the shards to reshape yourself into something greater.

To weaken is the nature of things, the machine need maintenance, the vampire hides from the sunlight, everyone needs that little thing to stay alive. Learning how to be weak in a hostile world is hard, biting and clawing at those brave enough to love you until you convince yourself you're unlovable. Be soft, be all the beautiful things you were taught to hide.

You unlock your front door and hide from the world for another night, finding comfort in your love and the home you share, outside the window you see the glow.

The Witch of Stardust and Moonlight will provide you safe passage through the void tonight, immerse yourself into the waters and know this.