You wake up.

You check your phone, another one gone.

You cry, this shouldn't be something you have to get used to, losing loved ones and friends to a world so uncaring. You steel yourself and get ready for work

The endless rhetorical question of "how are you" threatens to break the dam, you want to scream, to tell them exactly what the fuck is going on and to ask why they're so fucking normal right now, don't they know what's happened? You will see your world end over and over and these people won't give a fuck as long as you don't emote too much, as long as you stay quiet and do your job, It will suffocate you, Only 5 hours to go. Although you dread the silence after work, when theres no distraction between you and feeling.

You spend your break smoking at the local canal, watching the wildlife and ignoring the voice in your head.

More meaningless tasks and even more customers to torment you, you still prefer it to the alternative, even if you would rather be in a quiet corner right now

You clock out and start walking home, you try not to stare at the water too long, you cry most of the way home, you will lay in bed and not move for the next few hours.

The world shouldn't be like this and you know it

These injustices will be paid back in blood.

you'll start to wonder if you should tell your loved ones how much you care at the end of every conversation, just incase. The regrets will still be there anyway.

To the ones I've lost: I love you. To the ones I've yet to lose: I'm sorry, and to those that remain: I really hope you survive another night <3