You are in your room.

When your head tries to kill you you can feel it, a tangible pressure in your chest and behind your eyes.

It will fill your thoughts, not with lies but with exaggerated truths, you will spiral down and down until you break.

But what if you don't break? What if the torment just continues for months? years? How will you silence your eternal warden?

You'll try to drown it out with music and it will work for a time until even the music reminds you, you'll try to express it through art and eventually you will be uninspired. It will consume you and you are truly fucked. I'm sorry.

Apologies for the vibe killer there but I know my fate, the game is all about drawing out the conclusion for as long as you can

You are in the woods

It's the 30th now, elections soon. When your head is trying to kill you it will tell you things you already know

The ghosts of loved ones and friends encircle you

This country hates you

you will not know stability, not in this life

They won't notice when you're gone, they barely notice you now

And it will repeat daily, hourly, by the fucking minute. By the end you'll not even notice the noise for the sheer force of the emotions it brings, the pressure.

This primative world crushes the loving, the only respite being the knowledge that everything returns to dust eventually and the fact everyone that made life this way will rot comforts you.

You are by the frozen canal

Eventually the warden will run out of steam, give you a rest for a little while, having devoured enough misery to satiate its hunger. You'll be left a husk but still breathing, in situations worse than before, maybe being a werewolf wouldn't be so bad?

To externalise the hurt instead of having it battle on inside you near constantly

Hurting others with tooth and claw wouldn't fix you and you know it.

Just endure and enjoy a sunset every once in a while