I am at a march, I see glimpses of Her in the shifting form of the crowd, remnants of a better time preserved through unity I try not to think about the fires.
Be it the outfit, the hair or just the way She walked, seeing your ghost in a crowd of strangers, a reminder of why I'm here. I held back tears, staying strong in the march, to keep the onlookers from seeing my weakness
I wonder what I'm going to leave behind, who will see me in a crowd and think of home?, The traces of Stardust everlasting I leave my art and my writing as a reminder, I was here, I loved and lost and suffered and it was worth it. Not that I wouldn't prefer to have not suffered the ways I have but I recognise some of it pushed me to move out of my dogshit city and find love that wasn't corrosive.
Have you ever felt unwelcome Seeker? To be told the place you were born is a not for your kind. I was just a child the first time, I knew the worlds evils because they never relented, even to a fucking child they spew their vitriol. There are those out there with neutron stars at their core, the hate in their heart collapsing in on itself and taking on more and more until it has to start reaching outward to the stars around them. These ones with poisoned souls and crushing atmospheres don't feel as we do, don't expect compassion from the enemy, they will try to take you in as they do their own sins.
All of my life has been in the shadow of these bastards that keep us here on Earth, we deserve more and we will have more, we will have the stars while they rot on the planet they poisoned for profit. I promise you this Seeker, we wont be the last of us.
To resist is to remember our dead and do right by them, To keep those that remain safe from the crushing gravity of the evils of the world. We have to survive this. I keep you close, my love.
The skies will burn and the world will end but We will survive this.
I am what comes after, the result of centuries of oppression, not apathy but instead divine rage. When it rains think of me Seeker, when it pours feel the weight of the world lift for a time, know peace in the reflections in the puddles and the water on your skin. You are loved.